Evaluation Fee and Refund Policy
Q: What is the evaluation fee?
A: The evaluation fee is a charge paid for account completion. It is designed to motivate users to manage their accounts with the utmost care and responsibility and to help them handle the psychological aspects of executing their trading strategies.
Q: Is the evaluation fee refundable?
A: Yes, the evaluation fee will be fully refunded upon receiving your 3th payout. If you do not pass the evaluation before reaching your 3th payout, the fee becomes non-refundable.
Q: Why do we charge this evaluation fee?
A: We charge the fee to encourage every user to treat their account with high attention and responsibility. When users have a financial stake in the outcome, they are more inclined to invest in achieving successful results. Additionally, the fee helps cover the costs associated with providing access to all dashboard applications and connections to our trading servers.
Q: Why is this policy in place?
A: This policy is implemented as we continue to evolve, develop a new trading terminal, and provide ongoing support for it. It ensures a fair evaluation process and helps us build a platform that benefits traders while maintaining a sustainable business model.